
Millwood Kindergarten Center believes in inspiring children to learn and discover while setting a foundation for their future. We take pride in partnering alongside parents, guardians and the community at large to provide a learning environment that is healthy and challenging for all students.


Our staff takes seriously the district’s goal of preparing students to think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively and work together. We recognize that each child is unique, and our staff strives to provide opportunities to help students succeed academically as well as socially by teaching core subjects in addition to positive character traits. 


In order to welcome students to kindergarten, our teachers meet with families to conduct the Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Kids (WaKIDS). This program allows teachers to assess students' strengths while discussing the characteristics of a child's development with parents. By having a picture of the whole child, teachers are better able to ensure success at school. For more information on WaKIDS, please visit


To learn more about the educational programs we offer, click on the menu to the right. 

How to sign up for conferences in Skyward:
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